Reducing Congestion.


Congestion Reduction Plan


Dear Residents,

Congestion at the gate remains a cause of fierce frustration for all users of Fourways Gardens, especially residents.

Over the coming months we will be implementing a number of operational changes to assist in reducing the various causes of our congestion.  In line with our model of continuous improvement we will learn and make the necessary changes to better our position. 

Addressing the challenges with congestion requires all stakeholders to work together.  In particular we request that residents assist us by educating guests and contractors as to the guidelines for effective use of the gate houses.

Effective immediately the following points apply:

Quick Turnaround

  1. We have established that backing vehicles out the Entry Lanes when they are at the wrong Phase or have no PIN creates significant delays.

  2. We now have the ability to quickly and securely bring the vehicle through the entry boom and exit them out using the OneSpace scanners.

  3. To successfully achieve this we must ensure that we keep a gap between the exiting vehicle and the vehicle behind so the Guards can move the vehicle into that gap.

  4. The image below shows these shaded areas with a yellow border.

  5. The arrow shows the path of the vehicle being exited.

  6. Please can all drivers ensure that this area remains open at all times.

  7. Please can incoming vehicles be mindful of the possibility of a vehicle turning through the incoming lane. A guard will be there to indicate when this is happening.

Congestion 2.jpg

Contractor & Delivery Authorisations

Contractor approvals can be lengthy and create delays when trucks cargo need to be checked coming in.

We are moving to a mobile model where Guards in the Permit Office will be able to walk to the trucks and complete the checks.  This will be implemented in the coming months.

In the interim however:

  1. Please can all residents ensure that they clearly instruct delivery vehicles to park in one of the 30 available contractor bays outside the Permit Office and get processed before approaching the gate.

  2. NO contractors can be processed at the gate.

  3. Fast-food and grocery delivery motorbikes are increasingly a cause of congestion.

  4. Please ensure that the delivery company has been given the PIN and the driver it ready to use it or the vehicle will be exited out the lane using the Fast Turnaround and this could result in delays in getting deliveries completed.

Congestion 1.png

We are committed to bettering our position at the gate and look forward to the positive impact we will have with these proposed changes.

Kind Regards

Kevin Nicholson

General Manager – Fourways Gardens